Our Specialists Restored the Beauty of This Floor in West Chester With Their Grout Sealing Process
September 20, 2024
The kitchen area had been a favored spot in this household in West Chester, but that started to change when routine cleaning kept causing more stress on the homeowner. The porcelain tiles on her kitchen floor looked darker and duller by the day, and she couldn't remove the dirt that gathered on the grout despite hours of scrubbing.
She didn't want the problem to get any worse, so she decided to contact a grout sealing service in West Chester. The homeowner expected her search to take a while since she went in with very high expectations. Because of this, she was pleasantly surprised to discover that Sir Grout of Greater Chester County had everything she'd been looking for. She contacted us online after perusing different sections of our website to ask for an in-home evaluation.
On the scheduled date, our specialists went to her house, as always wearing Sir Grout's logo on both their uniforms and their vehicle. The homeowner recognized them right away and invited them to see the kitchen floor. As she'd told them earlier, the color on the tiles looked muted from all the embedded dirt that kept piling on top of the porous surface. The problem was all the more noticeable on the grout since all the grout lines had gone from white to brown in weeks, making the floor look cramped and unhygienic.
The inspection confirmed all our crew's suspicions, so they presented their offer at the end of their visit. The grout had been unsealed for a while, so there was nothing to counter the dirt from seeping into the pores. With this in mind, our experts offered to recolor the grout lines with Sir Grout's sealant after deep cleaning the entire surface. They explained each step to the client, and a date was set for the restoration.
At the client's request, our techs waited a few days before returning to the house with their equipment. As soon as they arrived, they prepared the area by protecting the furniture with clear plastic and masking tape. When everything was ready, they began working on the stains with a surface-safe cleaner and a high-speed scrubbing machine. This winning combination allowed them to make a quick job of cleaning the entire floor without subjecting the porcelain to harsh treatment.
The next step was sealing the grout, so our specialists revamped all the grout lines with our flagship ColorSeal. This acrylic-based sealant provides all the protection you need to keep dirt from getting stuck on the grout; it wards off external elements and liquids so nothing seeps into the grout pores, giving homeowners a better chance of keeping their floor spotless in the most active parts of the house. Since our sealant is available in multiple colors, our experts had no trouble recoloring the grout to the client's expectations.
The result was exactly what she had envisioned for her kitchen floor. The details on the tiles were on full display, and the white grout made everything come together in a stunning layout. After thanking us for the restoration, the homeowner promised to tell more people in West Chester about our grout sealing services.
Our techs went over some useful cleaning recommendations before leaving the client's home. They knew that regular cleaners wouldn't preserve the tiles' beauty for long, so they suggested replacing them with pH-neutral products like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner. Enriched with high-quality ingredients to upgrade the efficiency of residential cleaning routines, our formula removes more dirt in less time without exposing your floors to harsh chemicals. With our cleaner, homeowners can keep their surfaces looking spotless for much longer because they can get through more stains and not worry about embedded dirt on the grout. Our product gets the dirt loose without weakening the sealant's protection, and it works against countless stains, like food residue, shoe prints, mud, grime, and more.
We also recommend combining pH-neutral cleaners with non-abrasive tools to make the best of your cleaning efforts. While steel wools may scratch the surface upon scrubbing, a clean towel or a mop will get all the dirt off after the cleaner has been left sitting on the surface for a few minutes.
Lastly, our crew recommended checking the room's ventilation at different points of the day to ensure that the air inside the kitchen doesn't become stale. The ideal environment doesn't have moist corners where mold could eventually grow, so it's much easier to remove the dirt that lands on the floor during the week.
Anyone would be discouraged by a dirty floor, but there's no need to settle for subpar solutions. The specialists at Sir Grout of Greater Chester County will restore the beauty of your floors with results that stand the test of time. You can trust us with your kitchen surfaces and be amazed by the transformation! Just call (215) 609-4868 or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment. You can also subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.