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Our Tile and Grout Cleaners Successfully Restored This Shower in Wayne

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July 14, 2024

It didn't take long for a homeowner in Wayne to see that her shower needed professional assistance. A strict cleaning routine kept most of the dirt at bay, but it didn't stop the discoloration that spread around the floors. The homeowner was even more concerned by the deterioration that seemed to affect most of the floor's grout.

Shower Floor Before and After a Service from Our Tile and Grout Cleaners in Wayne
While looking for a solution online, she came across Sir Grout of Greater Chester County and her interest was piqued right away. After reading some customer reviews and checking the results in our picture gallery, she decided to contact us online to set an appointment with our tile and grout cleaners in Wayne.

At her request, our experts arrived at her house in an identified vehicle a couple of days later. They took their time inspecting the shower, taking note of the stains, and checking the damage on the seams. While the ceramic tiles looked duller than usual, the most visible problems were on the grout. Dark stains ran across the white lines, drawing a lot of unwanted attention. Meanwhile, the seams had absorbed a lot of water over time, so they started showing the effects of wear and tear.

Our specialists needed to repair the joints and seal the grout after cleaning the entire shower so they offered to return before the end of the week. The client thanked them for their assistance and set a date for the restoration.

A few days later, she welcomed our crew back into her home for the second time and our experts didn't waste any time. They quickly prepared the area with masking tape and deep cleaned the shower with a surface-safe product. To remove all the embedded mold on the seams, they also used a 275-degree vapor cleaner to reach all parts of the stall.

After removing the loose caulk from the floor joints, our techs used a water-resistant epoxy mix to regrout the surface. Then, they applied ColorSeal on the floors and walls. With our sealant, they transformed all the grout lines, giving them a uniform color and a brand-new appearance. This process also ensures that no external elements seep into the grout pores, so homeowners don't have to deal with the stains caused by mold, mildew, and soap scum.

The homeowner was delighted when we showed her the result. The white grout made the shower look as good as new, and our restoration had restored the tiles' rich coloring. She thanked our specialists for their services and promised to tell more people in Wayne about the quality of our work.

Our techs had some additional tips to share at the end of the appointment. They started by recommending pH-neutral cleaners for the maintenance of tile and grout surfaces. Unlike bleach and soap-based products, Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner does the job without subjecting shower surfaces to harsh ingredients. It's effective against mold, mildew, and the discoloration caused by soap residue, so you don't have to struggle to preserve your shower's brand-new look.

Traditional cleaners not only prompt grout damage after weakening the sealant, they're also known for releasing toxic fumes into the air, putting people and children at risk. With our pH-neutral cleaner, you can rule out all of these harmful side effects and enhance the beauty of your bathroom surfaces at the same time.

We also recommend to open the windows and doors to encourage good indoor ventilation and to clean any residue with non-abrasive tools. These steps will help you prevent the spread of mold and other effects of moisture buildup.

The specialists at Sir Grout of Greater Chester County are ready to help you bring your shower back to life! Our specialists know how to deal with common issues like discoloration and grout damage, so you don't have to worry about getting underwhelming results. We invite you to come to us with any question or request. Just call (215) 609-4868 or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment. Also, don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.
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